Oasis 360 Core + Oasis Loyalty



Learn how to set up effective nRich™ promotions in SpeedMedia™. Drive Player Growth with nRich provides students with the insight needed to successfully integrate nRich into casino Marketing programs. Students will learn how to set up nRich promotions and perform a post-analysis using the related reports to determine the success of their efforts. Creating machine and player groups, building and deploying nRich media packages, Rule management, promotion setup, and evaluation reports will also be discussed. This course is intended for those who currently use nRich Promotions in their regular job role, or will be deploying nRich promotions in the future to roll out their marketing strategy.


The Introduction to Oasis 360™ online course is recommended.
Oasis 360 Core customers should take the Marketing Workshop and SpeedSolutions™ classes prior to attending this class.
Oasis Loyalty customers should take the Oasis Marketing with Loyalty and SpeedSolutions classes prior to attending this class.

What to Expect

This class offers hands-on experience with nRich in SpeedMedia Administrator™. Students will complete activities and exercises in an interactive format. Come ready to participate and engage, as you enhance your knowledge on this bonusing engine used with Oasis 360 Core and Oasis Loyalty.